Title: The Best Christmas Gift, Jesus Christ
Speaker: Rev. Sang Hyun Shim (Trans. Rev. Joel Kim)
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-23, Galatians 4:4-5
Title: The Best Christmas Gift, Jesus Christ
Speaker: Rev. Sang Hyun Shim (Trans. Rev. Joel Kim)
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-23, Galatians 4:4-5
Title: How to Prepare for Christmas
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 3:1-14
Title: God Will Make A Way
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11
Title: Kingdom ROI
Speaker: P. Daniel Lim
Scripture: Matthew 25:14-30
Title: Kingdom Prayer
Speaker: P. Daniel Lim
Scripture: Daniel 6:1-11
Title: The Wrong Kind of Thanksgiving
Speaker: Rev. Joel Kim
Scripture: Luke 18:9-14